Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Freebird Grows


Aaron said...

A very happy little Freebird.

the good life mama said...

Love the tutu, very fancy! :)

Sarah Valeri said...

Wow! That is a good luck tummy if I ever saw one!! NYC loves Freebird!! (shout outs to Funnyboy and Feistygirl from the fans as well!)

Anonymous said...

I am currently weeping...sob...I miss those babies!


Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh!!!!
I love the chubs :)
She is so adorable , how old is she now?

Hilaree said...

Freebird is now four months old and THE happiest, most easygoing baby I have ever met. She blesses our family every day and nicely balances out FEISTYgirl and FUNNYboy, if you get my meaning! Thank you all for your nice comments!

Anastasia said...

She looks like that is her personality. What a sweetheart. I wish I could be there just to give her a big squeeze and kiss!

Unknown said...

Beautiful!!! She's looking so big and so blissful in this pics! Yay for happy FreeBird!

Sarah said...

How time flies, Laura. She has a sweet smile of an angel. You're truly blessed.